Hey Friends!
I want to invite you to a free event I’m doing on Applause! I’m going to host a live listening party for up to fifty guests on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
I’m going to play the first four studio recordings that we’ve done in Tennessee. I may even have a sneak peek at the fifth song, because we’re heading back to the studio next week to record some more of my first studio album.
We can chat about the songs, my music, or just life in general. I’ll probably play a few songs, and we can just hang out for an hour.
The kind folks at Applause asked me to join their platform as an artist as they’re preparing to do a full launch. So, this will be my first event with them. Applause is built on Zoom. So, you’re probably familiar with how it works after the past year.
You can sign up at https://applause.stream/event/MikeKuster/ListeningParty.